Friday, December 16, 2011


I never blogged Wesson's Halloween pictures
(and since I am struggling to think of anything worthwhile...I'll share them now!)
Shout out to Kellie Hales for the CUTEST Halloween pictures ever! I wish it was appropriate to decorate with them all year long...
 Peter Pan & Tinkerbell 2011
Olivia & Wesson
at the pumpkin patch.
Oh heavens, this boy would have taken EVERY pumpkin home if he could.
I still haven't thrown his away because he loves to run out on the porch and say "umptin, umptin!"
(plus I think Ryan wants to go shoot it or something...)

I don't care how much they weigh I'll take both of them! 
But it won't be too expensive since he is almost 17 months and weighs only 22 POUNDS!

Peter Pan, Hook & Tinkerbell
Wesson, Isaac & Olivia

I love those little guys! I hope this is the first of many coordinated Halloweens, it was SO cute! Isn't Olivia precious?? I am the luckiest Aunt! Not to mention mom, my little man is a sweetheart too!

I am a lame mom and have no action shots but Wesson loved to "treat and treat" he would go up to the kids out trick-or-treating and say treat-and-treat, he was so confused why only the people at the doors gave him candy, shouldn't everyone give him candy?

1 comment:

Jamie said...

He is so adorable and his costume turned out fab. Im proud of you. And yes every person should give that handsome boy a treat!