Sunday, November 22, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

In the Spirit of Thanksgiving
This is so touching. And so true. I often find myself wondering "if I were a rich man..." but the Lord has plans for me just where I am. I am so grateful for a Father in Heaven who loves me. Who blesses me with far more than I could deserve. I am grateful for the knowledge of Him. For a testimony to sustain me when there is so much doubt and fear in the world. I am so thankful for a husband who teaches me and inspires me to be better, who works so hard for our family. I am thankful for a home that is beautiful and comfortable. I am grateful for our families. Parents who have sacrificed, spoiled, taught, prayed, listened, instructed and guided us to get us where we are today. We will forever be in debt (figuratively and probably literally) to them. I am so blessed to have friends. The best friends. To have a job with people I absolutely love, doing something that is so interesting. I hope you have the best thanksgiving! And you enjoy this video, it is SO good! I am off to California!