Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Background: I have served in the Young Women's at church for 4 1/2 years. Prior to that I had been a member of the Young Women's program for 6 years (age 12 to 18) I had a one year break for college (woohoo!) In all this time (10 1/2 years) I have still not completed my Personal Progress
Lame right?
 How long does a girl need?
...So I am turning over a new leaf and made a goal to finish my Personal Progress by November 2012. (cheer!) I have been working on my experiences, reading my scriptures, polishing up on my good habits (prayers, scriptures, family home evening, etc.) and coming up with fun, challenging and spiritual projects for each value. I have gotten creative, taken the opportunity to learn new skills, teach skills I already know, serve and LITERALLY progress physically and spiritually. 
I kept having a nagging thought of an area where I knew I really did need to grow, mature, learn and again, progress! I'll start by saying I have been SO blessed. I have been given much, oh so much! And am grateful for everything and everyone who touches my life for good...BUT...I have a serious problem. One my husband, LOVES, to remind me about. I struggle to live in the moment. I am constantly planning for the "next" thing. I struggle to enjoy what I am given when I am given it. I used to think this was my blessing to be a "planner" but I have come to learn it is truly a lack of faith. I am scared to not have control. And if I am not ready something might happen and I won't have a "plan" but in living like this I miss the happiness of the little moments. So to teach myself to savor the little moments, to have faith in my Father In Heaven's plans for me, to be content where I am, I have created my Faith value project. 

I am going to document SOMETHING every day. Some one, a recipe, a thought, a place, a story, for 365 days I am going to be content, celebrate my "little" blessings...

My motto:
Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content
Philippians 4:11

so..in case you think, "wow, Jessica sure is blogging a lot" now you know! and come November 2012 I will wear my cheesy necklace proud (and who knows, maybe get released!!)

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