Tuesday, December 30, 2008

the holidays...

so my blog was not working f.o.r.e.v.e.r.
so this is going to be rather lengthy...
but  there will be pictures!

on the 19th we had a couple's baby shower for Ryan's best friend Dan and his adorable wife Tara! it was at Famous Dave's...so delicious! we had the best time, even though i have never been so embarrassed! we love all our friends!  and wish they could all live closer! 

on the 20th we did 
the traditional Jensen's outing to Salt Lake! we ate at Braza Grill in Layton (i LOVE this place!)  shopped at the gateway...
the boys did not shop!
visited antique shops and learned all about grounding our own wheat... (oh boy)
and of course went to temple square to 
see the beautiful lights. 

(chelsie: check out my jacket...)
i loved it so much! thanks to kevin and lynette for everything! 
we were so excited to end the night with nelson's custard! (i think thats what it is called...that yummy place in bountiful...)

(sorry if you are still reading this! :)

we spent christmas eve at the Jensen's with the family (though smaller in numbers..)
we ate the traditional christmas eve korean dinner...(i am such a dork and forgot to take a picture!) it was so good and such a fun tradition! maybe 
ryan and i will have like tacos for christmas eve since he went to mexico on his mission! haha...

hayley read the sweetest story (won't she make the cutest mom ever..hint hint) the three trees. if you haven't read it you should, you'll cry!

we sang christmas carols! aww... (i was designated picture taker for Brayden...)
and ended the evening with an intense game of scum! and i totally won!

christmas was so weird! ryan and i slept in til like 8 (that makes you feel old when you are more excited to sleep than to open gifts!) we got all ready for the day and then finally "got around" to opening gifts! 
I didn't even want to at all, it looked so beautiful! but we did and it was fun! 

we really are so grown up, its more fun to see the other person get excited and love what you got them then to open your own gifts! but ryan did wonderful and i LOVED everything i got and i think he was pretty happy too! my brother, Jeremy, came to join us for the christmas day activities. we made a breakfast a big breakfast and finished making and wrapping up our gifts. we went to the in-laws to open more gifts (they were SO generous) and spend the day. 

we spend the rest of the day visiting the grandparents and eating til we literally could not eat any more! that night i called my family to wish them a merry christmas! it was sad not to see them! and we missed them so much! but they did spoil us and its always fun to get mail right!?  well that night there was the craziest storm EVER. so we hung out a little bit longer hoping it would pass. We enjoyed a couple games of clue and five crowns...ryan struggled but eventually he got it! :) we made it home safely...and ended our lovely christmas with a snowy scene.

ryan and i went to see the lights at christmas village on friday night. they were so much better than last year! (recession what?) it was perfect...totally cold...but perfect! 
we enjoyed all the family parties (Golden Corral...) and visits and i think i am a little sad its all over...
i hope you all had the best christmas and have a happy new year!
p.s. someone invite us to their new years party ok?!

1 comment:

Paige said...

Jessica, thank you for leaving a comment on my blog about the concealed weapons class. My husband will be happy that it worked out well for you. If you know anyone else who is interested send them our way. :) It looks like you had a good Christmas. Thanks again!