Friday, March 11, 2011

because he grows up too fast...

..i can't keep up.
(or maybe i am watching too much Friday Night Lights on netflix!)
look at him sitting up on his own. it looks like he has a tooth...but that is just a cracker. oh i love these boys.

he rolls over (pictures to prove that later)
sits up on his own
"talks" like crazy
sleeps all night, naps twice (did i mention how much i love him!)
i love being a mom. full time right now! wesson is the best baby. and he is learning SO fast. more pictures soon..(after i get caught up on Friday Night Lights)


Anonymous said...

He is so stinkin cute Jess! We miss you guys and still need to meet him. So happy that life is treating you well.

Jamie said...

Yea! For sitting up he is super cute I see why you love him so much :)

Lacey said...

Isn't it so nice when the can sit up and play by themselves? He is so cute! Are you still working? We need to get together and catch up.