Sunday, March 14, 2010

the fears of a redneck wife...

ryan and i are both very non confrontational.
we have never really fought.
i can't remember the last time he even maybe me mad.
hunting season always makes me sad but i don't count that.
there are some things we just don't discuss because it could make us fight.
i lied it is not somethings...
it is one thing.
ryan wants to move.
not right now.
but he wants his kids to have "what he had and didn't have growing up"
-no backyard neighbors.
-shooting bb guns in the backyard
-learning to fish just a walk away
-no traffic (for those who don't know he grew up like 5 houses away from highway 89..seriously no traffic?!!)
but what it all really comes down to (although he would never admit it...) he wants to be able to hunt. in better places.
better states.
he doesn't want to live in blessed Utah.
and it makes me sick.
he thinks there is too much traffic.
too many people.
but he isn't a farmer. a rancher.
he is a microbiologist.
there isn't a huge demand for them in the sticks of wyoming.
i love weber county.
i love weber school district.
i love being so close to our family.
i want my kids to go to fremont. (or weber...i have sketchy loyalty)
i want to live in plain city
or farr west
or harrisville
or pleasant view.
all fabulous places for a microbiologist to live.
i feel there are all these little battles along the way i must win to win the war.
well ladies, i come to you...
a failure.
i think i lost our first battle.
and the worst part...i don't think i feel nearly as redneck as i should...
so...what do i do? let him win this battle and keep my focus on the war? or take it down with a blow torch?
i sure hope seriouslysoblessed doesn't make fun of me for this post but i am serious!


Jamie said...

Oh jess! I say take it down with a blow tourch!!! ASAP ! :)

dan said...

HAHAHA, that was the funniest post i have ever read. I loved it the best of luck to you. If i were you though i wouldnt burn it. That would be one of the few things i can think of that might make ryan not love you any more. Yes stop loving even the mother of his unborn child. Just take it down and tell him when he gets you a cabin he can hang it up.

Craig, Kimi, Eli, and Owen said...

Oh dear, I couldn't help but laugh when I read this. You are too funny! I would... take it down. Unlessss it meant staying where you want to stay(good ol Utah). :)) Good luck! haha and congratulations on the baby! I was so excited and happy for you when I found out!... and still am!

Megan said...
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Megan said...

I am so glad you posted this on FB so it showed up in my news feed for me to see :) I would leave it up I were you, if it means winning the war. Don't get me wrong, Ross and I have discussed moving out of Utah. I am totally game for that, unless I was moving to FRIGGIN WYOMING or some other place in the middle of no where. Does he want you to go crazy? Because seriously, if I couldn't get out of the house after having children I would either lose my mind or lose my hair. And I like my hair. Maybe he will let you put in a less obvious place or you could bedazzle it? lol. I might not be TAMN, but I live in Utah County and that is close enough ;)

Sierra said...

We are in the same boat... except that Trace can be a pharmacist anywhere. I want my kids to be by family and friends. While Trace would love to live in Wyoming, he KNOWS that if he moves there, I will not go with him. He can have a cabin or a ranch there... that is our compromise

ThE fRoNkS!... said...

HA!!! Yep you lost! But it's not so bad, just wait, there are more dead heads to come. I can feel it!! You better stand your ground now, it's just gonna get worse!!! tell him the garage is all his!

Jaelyn said...

When Craig saw the picture on first glance and he saw the railing on the side, he thought it was a crib and said, "Is that their baby's room?" So at least you have enough sense not to decorate your baby's room with dead animals! I have a feeling Baby Jensen's first word will be "buck." --Jaelyn

Good work Ryan...the only thing that will make it better is a four-point on the other wall. (Craig)