Friday, February 12, 2010

new favorites...

i have fallen in love with a few things lately..
lemonade. fresh squeezed.
salsa- like the delicious fresh kind!
fruit-all of it...i wish more was in season!
tv..i have like 36 must see shows! (i wish ryan had a different schedule, i would be MUCH more productive)
sleep. 12 hours everyday. naps.
dan seals. (20 years late..)

but my very new favorite..
will make his grand arrival in August!
we are having a BABY!
i love ultrasounds
dr appointments.
reading everything i can get my hands on.
planning, preparing, and all that comes with that!

i don't love...
being sick. a lot.
being tired. always.
getting nothing done. ever.
getting fat. pants not buttoning. shirts a little snug. but so worth it!

we took our test on Dec. 14th. (we were so nervous it would be negative and we would be so sad for christmas) i took three tests just to be sure! we both were so nervous. and excited. we just starred at it for awhile. then went to costco (and purposely did NOT look at diapers so we wouldn't get sad at how expensive this is going to be!)
Jan 7th was our first dr. appt. ryan made me change the appt because he couldn't come to the first one i made and he does not want to miss them! (so sweet)
we didn't get to hear the heartbeat and that was sad. and my first due date was august 14th.
we told our families towards the end of january. we told the jensens in a game of cranium and we sent my parents flowers and a poem. i didn't get to see their reaction but i think they were surprised! and i know the jensens were! but excited! everyone has been so excited!
our second appt was jan 29th we got to hear the heartbeat! AMAZING! and our little bud was just doing gymnastics in there! so sweet. our dr said she thinks it is a boy.
ryan is SO excited. we said we didn't care. but he definitely did care.
we find out for sure on march 2nd for now our due date is 08.08.10
we are so excited. and love this little one already!
i will try to do better at blogging so we can remember all the details.
and maybe even post a picture
this is all we have so far in our nursery. unisex onsies and a stuffed buffalo. we are the best parents


Kami @ Sweet Charli... said...

Oh my goodness! Congrats that is so exciting - I love it!

Stephanie and Justin said...

Congratulations! I am so excited for you guys.

Jamie said...

Congrats!!! I can't wait to see the little Jensen. Keep me updated on everything!!!

Sierra said...

How exciting! You will be such a cute mother... I am so happy for you both :-)

Heidi and Michael said...

YAY FOR BABY NEWS!!! Congratulations you guys!

Chelsie said...

yeah! i'm so excited for you guys, you are not looking fat either, you look great. however, i am a little saddened that having your own child just might over shadow your favorite adopted nephews...haha

Jaelyn said...

Hip Hip Hooray!! It is no longer a secret. I've already bought a few gifts for my nephew. :) Let me know if you need anything, Jess.

Lynny said...

Oh my!!! Little Jessica a Mommy, how very neat! It was so great seeing you guys Sunday, I sure wish that you were still in the ward, gosh we need cute fun people like you. Chelsie and Brandon just aren't enough. Good luck with the being sick, and getting fat thing. Just remember the wonderful reward that is at the end.