Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Christmas 2009

i feel like i missed all of christmas.
there were parties, dinner, plays, lights...and i feel like i slept through it all!
and i forgot my camera so i don't even have proof i was there.
it breaks my heart!
but we did have fun.
even if it was frazzled and dazed fun!
-attempt #1 to see the lights at temple square:
THEY CLOSED i-15. we sat in traffic forever.
went to a far too busy restaurant.
walked around the gateway at a whoppin 13 DEGREES
we left the gateway when it closes (10pm)
thats when the lights turn off at temple square!
so sad!
-jensen family christmas party. at the golden corral. followed by a fabulous free for all of gift giving at the grandparents.
so much fun. except...ryan had to work and i had to go stag. plus it was the same day as my family's big christmas party in california...aka "family"sick (it is not homesick...this is definitely home...)
-ward christmas breakfast...
fun. i love our ward. it is fabulous. the people are amazing. the spirit is so strong even when we are singing jingle bells over 30 breakfast casseroles. :)
ryan did not attend, he was hunting. people think he is inactive or non existent. (both theories are at times correct :)
-work christmas party. hilarious.. i love my job! my coworkers! the whole bit. it is fun for ryan to meet them too and put a face with a name (even though he put the wrong name with faces ALL night!)
we played awesome games, i hope i am in charge of christmas party games next year so i can use them!
-ugly sweater party with our great friends that we don't see enough. we love them so much and miss them (the ones that are far away) and are bugged by the ones that are close that we don't see enough :)
-annual christmas eve dinner at the jensen's (when do we become the jensen's? and then do his parents become ..?)
korean dinner, i again did not take a picture of a totally picture worthy meal!
christmas stories of the grandparents childhood christmas
and of course the story of the christmas long long ago.
bearing of special testimonies that make christmas that much more special
(if you ever want to hear me gush ask me about my father in law...aka the greatest man to ryan...maybe ahead of ryan a little, but he will get there! (can I say that?)
-christmas morning. with ryan. so special and wonderful. i am a lucky girl (i changed my answer above..ryan is better!)
-christmas breakfast with jeff & hayley. and elk sausage. nuff said. :)
-christmas lunch at my house with the jensen's. and watching my wedding video. gift from ryan!
-visiting all the grandparents. coming home so sleepy.
-attempt #2 at the lights in salt lake, the day after christmas. giving up we are so cold and tired, instead getting cafe rio and a redbox!
oh the memories...

(l-r: dan, jason,kimball/darrin, zak, and ryan. the greatest group of guys.)

pictures from the ugly sweater party. ryan won first prize and i won the "i am special" ribbon. but we all know i deserved first.
the jensen family on christmas eve. l-r: jeff, grandma godfrey, grandpa godfrey, kyle, kevin, brayden. front: hayley, me, and ryan. I wore a different ugly sweater. i don't know why ryan is making that face. and lynette is taking the picture. we will have to show her the timer trick.

our christmas tree. with our gifts. you can't see but i got a cricut AND a sewing machine. that was pretty much my list. santa loves me. :)
our stockings hung by the fireplace with care.

we hope you had a great christmas and that you have a happy new year!


Chelsie said...

man you guys were busy!!! i love the ugly sweaters...those are pretty sweet. yeah for a sewing machine and a cricuit...check you out! also you guys are already the jensens...just not to your own family...since there are multiples with the same last name...but once you have kids they tend to slowly become grandma and grandpas house

Jamie said...

So many fun activities... And I was not invited to any? Whats the deal? :) Spoiled girl you need to share your christmas gifts with me!!