Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Thanksgiving 2009

we spent this thanksgiving in california.
this is was not our original plan since we had spent last thanksgiving in california also.
but my sister was bringing my grandma out with her and we hadn't seen her since 2007!
we decided that was worth fudging the every other year plan...
after all we LIVE here!
so i wanted to fly.
ryan thinks we are destitute.
we drove.
(evidentally we are more destitute!)
we packed in a lot of fun while we were there but had no time for friends...
next time!
we played games.
ate lots.
had the annual hansen turkey bowl...i am pretty sure my team kicked trash
played on the elementary school play ground f.o.r.e.v.e.r it was fabulous!
had a delicious thanksgiving feast prepared by the best brother in law i have ever had!!
i love my family and am so grateful when we get to see them!
maybe next time they can come visit me....right...
me and my nephew zak. in the christmas outfit we got him. i love this "little" guy (he is a beast and will probably play every professional sport!) he loved ryan and i. and i think if no one would have noticed we would have just brought him home with us! we love you zak! and miss you so much!

ryan and i at the playground. we had just played football. we look haggard. and i am definitely rocking the spandex world. (we are hardcore)
but we also look in love. more important than trashed.

zak with the football. this is how we will round out our portfolio.
everyone should invest in this childs future pro sports career!
fyi...he isn't even 18 months old in this picture.
the whole fam-damily. grandma is in the middle. pretty much none of the couples are together so this is a little complicated.
(l-r: ryan, andrew, grandma, beck, mom, chris (our pro chef) backrow l-r: kylie, jeremy, dad, jen, john, me, zak attack, brian, kelly and rachel)

we hope you all had a fabulous thanksgiving!


Chelsie said...

yeah for a trip back home. your family is so cute, and your nephew is a champ! i'm pretty sure he would tower over my 2 1/2 year old...but whatev.

Jamie said...

Looks like fun. You two do look like your in love what is the deal with that. No one looks that cute and in love after two years of marriage. HA! You look like a natural with Zak you need one of your own ASAP girl!