When scrapbooking used to be cool, Ryan used to say
"aww, memories that is what these are"
so, when I started a blog, which to him is just a scrapbook on the internets
(intentional "s")
I decided an appropriate title would be, Memories...That's What These Are.
And I guess he is pretty right, I wish I used my blog more to share things I know I will want to remember for ever. However, I do keep a pretty good journal so hopefully between the two I won't be the crazy mom who can never keep her children's stories right when she is in her 50s! So...a memory...starting with a riddle...
1. Where did Ryan and I have our first kiss?
2. Where did we break up?
3. Where did we get back together?
4. We brought all our first furniture home in?
5. What did we take on all our hikes, four-wheeling adventures, camping, hunting, and create so many memories in...
"Daddy's BLUE truck!" (which was actually black but he is cute so we let it go!)
Good bye...thanks for the memories...
umm...I won't miss driving you, or filling up your tank!